Join the team

There are numerous ways you can help Villages of Hope Silicon Valley, no matter your experience or how much time you have to offer. Getting involved not only enriches the community, it’s a fun way to get to know like-minded people. We hope that one of these areas will be a perfect fit for you.


You’ll help us with essential office tasks and track progress with our various projects.


You’ll serve as a liaison between the Villages of Hope movement for a specific community or organization, such as a church, a union, a community activist, or a neighborhood, business, or social organization.


You’ve got an idea about how you can help Villages of Hope that doesn’t fit one of our existing teams. We welcome all ideas and invite you to share how and where you’d like to help.


You’ll assist with helping us find and engage people, corporations, and community organizations to support our projects with financial and in-kind donations.


You’ll assist with organizing, recruiting for, and tracking events that support our mission.


You’ll help us amplify our messages to our growing audiences with email campaigns, Facebook, Twitter and more. We need your energy and enthusiasm to generate awareness and interest in our mission.

408-372-6770  • 421 Sautner Driver   •  San Jose  •  CA  •  95123   •  USA

Villages of Hope Silicon Valley is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Villages of Hope Silicon Valley are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Our tax identification number is: 84-3990014.

Does your employer offer matching funds? Please ask them to match your donation.